3 oz. | Maple Pepper®


3 oz. | Maple Pepper®


Maple peppers are superb when grilling, on salads and vegetables and as a unique seasoning for every occasion.

Available in: Original, Garlic and Habanero

The Original Maple Pepper® -  The age-old flavor of sweet maple sugar is combined with the zest of black pepper to create an exciting new taste to many of your favorite foods.

Maple Pepper® with Garlic - For the garlic lover in all of us, try Maple Pepper® w/Garlic. Garlic's organic and pungent flavor imparts a richness and ineffable flavor to a variety of foods.

Maple Pepper® with Habanero - “Fire on the Mountain™” Maple Pepper® w/Habanero is for those who relish in the heat of the moment. One of the hottest chilis around, habanero ignites foods with a spark of sensational flavor.

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